Doctorita romanca de chirurgie plastica Dana Vasilescu care a fost acuzata de mutilare dupa ce o pacienta sa plans ca a ramas fara sfarcuri dupa o operatie de estetica la sani, a avut mai multe plangeri la adresa ei in trecut. Dana Vasilescu si-a pierdut licenta de a profesa in Marea Britanie si a fost scoasa din registrul Consiliului Medical General in februarie 2017. Ea lucra pentru firma britanica Transform care inchiria sala de operatie de la clinica BMI Kings Park Clinic, Stirling din Scotia.
O pacienta a scris despre cazul ei pe un website social:
Dana the butcher
hi i got mine done on 6 july 2015 WORST THING I HAVE DONE! be very careful re search your surgeon, i am still recovering 7 month down the line i had dr dana vasilascu what a horrible woman from day one of my transform experience it was a bad one with bloods not been sent and having to get double taken, to suregery getting changed 2 days before hand and then my surgeon disapaered out of the country leaving me to go with dana, after seeing the damage she done to my body ALL surgeons in glasgow refused to help me after transform sacked dr dana v. i was travelling to manchester and newcastle every week to see a surgeon just to get wounds healed, implants are far too big one nipple is at top of breast and near enough at my arm pit with no volume at top all underneath and bursting scars open because of weight of them.. now i am healed the pain i am in is unreal and still no surgeon to take me on, i am suposed to get them fixed in the next 2/3 month with 3 surgeons refusing to do it. now i dont know where i stand as transform keep passing the buck onto one another and not wanting to help.