Puteți vizita pe cineva inainte de a fi deportat într-un centru specializat pentru deportarea imigrantilor ilegali sau care au cazier criminal sau au facut puscarie (immigration removal centre – expulzare din UK) . Va oferim o lista cu adresele, numerele de telefon si email unde centrele respective pot fi contactate.

De obicei cetatenii de origine romana, moldoveneasca sau maghiara arestati de catre politie, sau eliberati dintr-o inchisioare pentru a fi expulzati cu forta, sunt transferati la centrele de imigratie de langa un aeroport care are zboruri directe catre Romania,Republica Moldova sau Ungaria. In general, daca o persoana este expluzata-deportata din Anglia sau Marea Britanie, primeste si o interdictie de a mai intra pe teritoriul Regatului Unit.

Verificați în avans:

  • daca programarile se fac in avans
  • la ce sunt orele de vizită dacă trebuie să rezervați o vizita
  • ce ID aveți nevoie
  • ce obiecte ai voie să iei cu tine

Brook House, Gatwick

Pentru a vizita pe cineva trimiteti un email la adresa visitorscentre.bookings@uk.g4s.com sau sunati la telefonul 01293 566 559

Pentru informatii generale, de exemplu sa aflati daca cineva se afla detinut in centrul respectiv, sunati la

Orele de vizita sunt de la 14:00 la 17:30 si intre 18:00 si 21:00

Trebuie sa faceti programari cu o zi inainte. Aveti nevoie de un act de identitate, pasaport sau permis de conducere, buletin si dovada de adresa precum o factura cu adresa dumneavoastra.

Exista o cursa de autobuz gratuita de la statia de tren Gatwick train station pana la Brook House.

Tinsley House, Gatwick

Telephone: 01293 434 800

Tinsley House immigration removal centre
Perimeter Road South
Gatwick Airport
West Sussex

Visiting hours are 2pm to 9pm each day. Last admission is at 8:30pm.

You must bring 1 of the following:

driving licence (paper and photo sections)

Or you can bring 2 of the following:

birth or marriage certificate
rail or bus pass with photo
employer’s ID or student card
young person’s proof of age card
trade union membership card
older person’s bus pass

Campsfield House, Oxfordshire

Telephone: 01865 233 600

Campsfield House immigration removal centre
Langford Lane

Visiting hours are 2pm to 9pm each day – you must book at least 1 day in advance.

You must bring the following:

photo ID (passport or driving licence)
utility bill showing your name and address

There’s a free bus service between Oxford train station and Campsfield House.

Colnbrook, Middlesex

Telephone: 020 8607 5200

Colnbrook immigration removal centre
Colnbrook Bypass
West Drayton

Visiting hours are 2pm to 9pm each day.

You must bring the following:

photo ID (passport or driving licence)
utility bill showing your name and address

Dungavel House, South Lanarkshire

Telephone: 01698 395 000

Dungavel House immigration removal centre
South Lanarkshire
ML10 6RF

Visiting hours are 1:30pm to 8:30pm.

You must bring 1 type of photo ID (passport, driving licence), or 2 of the following:

birth or marriage certificate
rail or bus pass with photo
employer’s ID or student card
young person’s proof of age card
trade union membership card
older person’s bus pass

There’s a free bus service between Hamilton bus and train station and Dungavel House.

Harmondsworth, Middlesex

Telephone: 020 8283 3850

Harmondsworth immigration removal centre
West Drayton

Visiting hours are 2pm to 9pm each day.

You must bring the following:

photo ID (a passport or driving licence)
utility bill showing your name and address

Larne House, Antrim

Telephone: 028 2826 2070

Larne House immigration removal centre
2 Hope Street
BT40 1UR

Visiting hours are 2pm to 9pm each day – you must book in advance.

You must bring the following:

photo ID (passport or driving licence)
utility bill showing your name and address

Morton Hall, Lincolnshire

Telephone: 01522 666 819 (to arrange visits)
Telephone: 01522 666 700 (general information)
9:30am to 12:30pm

Morton Hall immigration removal centre

Visiting hours are:

1:30pm to 4:15pm every day except Thursday
1:30pm to 8:15pm on Thursday

You must book in advance.

You must bring the following:

photo ID (passport or driving licence)
utility bill or bank statement, less than 3 months old, showing your name and address

You can use a free taxi service available to and from Lincoln and Newark rail stations. You must book at least 24 hours in advance on 01522 666 819.

Pennine House, Mancheste

Telephone: 0161 489 5702

Pennine House immigration removal centre
Room 1506-1510
Terminal 2
Manchester Airport
M90 4AG

Visiting hours are 2pm to 9pm each day.

You must bring the following:

photo ID (passport or driving licence)
utility bill showing your name and address

You’re advised to telephone reception for directions from Terminal 2 as the centre isn’t signposted.

The Verne, Dorset

Telephone: 01305 825000

IRC The Verne

Visiting hours are:

9am to 4:30pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
9am to 8pm, Wednesday
9am to 11:45am and 1:45pm to 4:15pm, Saturday and Sunday

You don’t need to book.

You must bring the following:

photo ID (passport or driving license)
a utility bill showing your name and address

The Verne is a 15 to 20 minute walk uphill, or a five minute taxi ride, from Victoria Square, Portland. You can catch a bus from Weymouth to Victoria Square.

Yarl’s Wood, Bedfordshire

Telephone: 01234 821 000

Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre
Twinwoods Business Park
Thurleigh Road
Milton Ernest
MK44 2FQ

Visiting hours are 2pm to 5pm and 6pm to 9pm each day.

You must book at least one day in advance.

You must bring the following:

photo ID (passport or driving licence)
utility bill showing your name and address

There’s a bus service between Bedford station and Yarl’s Wood.


  1. am sunat la astia sa aflu unde e baiatul meu telefon international si nimeni nu vrea sa vorbeasca in romana cu tine

  2. Suna la Home Office si cere translator in limba romana
    ello, mi no spik inglish, Romania !

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