Când expatriații descoperă că sunt imigranți Brexit means you lose the right to live and work across the EU. But the politicians who deprived you of that right get to live and work on another continent without any problems. Realisation that the problem in the U.K. isn’t the poor immigrants, the most whom pay taxes, but the rich who don’t.

Pe balcon erau agățate pancarte care spuneau "Путін, іди на хуй"  - "PUTIN GO FUCK YOURSELF” și "THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN LIBERATED" - „Această proprietate a fost eliberată” și „Putin, fuck yourself”
Pe balcon erau agățate pancarte care spuneau “Путін, іди на хуй” – “PUTIN GO FUCK YOURSELF” și “THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN LIBERATED”
– „Această proprietate a fost eliberată” și „Putin, fuck yourself”

Google’s a bitch

Duggan se află în prezent într-un centru de detenție pentru imigranți din Australia

Most of them bring east enders with them and it explains a lot why Rishi, an Englishman in New York, didn’t knew about parties in Downing Street London (UK) during lockdown.

Reacția puternică a poliției când squatters a ocupat conacul Belgravia deținut de oligarhul Oleg Deripaska Путин, иди нахуй Путін, нахуй "Путін, іди на хуй"
Reacția puternică a poliției când squatters a ocupat conacul Belgravia deținut de oligarhul Oleg Deripaska
Путин, иди нахуй Путін, нахуй “Путін, іди на хуй”

Not even the worst excesses of Thatcherism contravened the bounds of ethics, honesty and morality as today’s ruling elite. A system of legitimised corruption has been fostered to blur – and even remove the line between criminality and integrity and then eliminate or marginalise any accountability and redress.

The front door of the building appeared to be broken.
Gli squatter sono entrati nella villa di Belgrave Square, una lussuosa zona residenziale nel centro di Londra, intorno all’una di notte ora locale di lunedì, ha detto la polizia di Londra. Non è noto se qualcuno fosse in casa quando gli attivisti sono entrati in casa.

Si è scoperto che la porta d’ingresso dell’edificio era rotta.

Hanno spiegato due cartelli di proprietà: uno diceva “Putin vaffanculo” e l’altro diceva “Questa proprietà è stata lasciata libera”. Hanno anche ballato sul balcone di casa,

It is the ‘Putinisation’ of the democratic order as adopted by Orban and others to embed themselves in an unchallengeable position of power and exploitation over economic serfdom. Debt slavery and impoverishment are equally political tools to disenfranchise opposition. The laws are redrawn to extinguish dissent.

The UK has become more corrupt than any ‘70s style failed African state, more dishonest than any banana republic and in both instances equally autocratic.

Removing the UK from the EU was always the project to further embed this exploitative and dishonest regime. Having sold the country down the drain for the dishonest billions of the world’s least desirable, these hypocrites are in no position to offer criticism on the legality or morality pertaining to any other political entity.

Who now believes electoral representation or the basic rule of law is sufficiently robust and free of manipulation by the avaricious and and power lusting tories and their ideological fanatics? Only those who benefit from the crumbs falling from their masters’ table.

Londra are o stradă Moscovy în oraș  un drum Moscova, care intersectează St. Petersburgh Place, către Ambasada Rusiei din Notting Hill. Nu sunt un fan al redenumiri vrând-nevrând (de exemplu, strada Moscovy poartă numele companiei comerciale din secolul al XVI-lea), dar am putea folosi o stradă Kiev
Londra are o stradă Moscovy în oraș un drum Moscova, care intersectează St. Petersburgh Place, către Ambasada Rusiei din Notting Hill. Nu sunt un fan al redenumiri vrând-nevrând (de exemplu, strada Moscovy poartă numele companiei comerciale din secolul al XVI-lea), dar am putea folosi o stradă Kiev

Even if you agree with Tory policies you have to admit that this man is a complete toad. Apparently the people who appreciated the benefits of the EU were to be tarred with the brush of “citizens of nowhere”. That would make this man and his wife who rule over our lives actual traitors. Simply stunning hypocrisy.

People who claim to be just like you are telling you to wave flags and sing Rule Britannia or Jerusalem. Telling you to be aware of the other or telling you to help make Britain great are themselves doing something 180 degrees different to what they have just told you to do.

Let’s reclaim Blake’s “Jerusalem” to chant down the pollution of the environment and suppression of the poor. It’s a fine wokist, climate change activist hymn and a good response to Toryism. It really doesn’t suit that tune, does it?

Înainte de Brexit, călătorii din Marea Britanie puteau călători în zonă fără controale la frontieră, deoarece țara era membră a Uniunii Europene, deși Marea Britanie nu făcea parte din Acordul Schengen.
Înainte de Brexit, călătorii din Marea Britanie puteau călători în zonă fără controale la frontieră, deoarece țara era membră a Uniunii Europene, deși Marea Britanie nu făcea parte din Acordul Schengen.

He asks four questions precisely to protest the current state of England: Did Jesus walk around in England? (in this hellhole, he means) The Lamb of God was not skipping about on English turf.

The Holy Spirit wasn’t in evidence in the industrial-generated fogs and pollution of in London, and Jerusalem was far from the “dark Satanic mills” of the Industrial age of corruption.

The Jesus in England theory claims he came to Glastonbury, where I live. We have a Tory MP and a load of homeless people. Blake was right.

It’s very probably written as a parody of French Napoleonic nationalism, and Blake’s idea of revolution was likewise a liberation from the machinations of the rich. He was on the side of the proletariat, against those who forced them to “labour like slaves at the mill”.

The tune is by Charles Par­ry, and it was written, ironically enough, for a ral­ly of the “Fight for the Right”
move­ment in Queen’s Hall, London.

Prim-ministrul Boris Johnson ar fi vrut să se concentreze pe călătoria sa de două zile în India, dar evenimentele din jurul partygate continuă să domine agenda.
Prim-ministrul Boris Johnson ar fi vrut să se concentreze pe călătoria sa de două zile în India, dar evenimentele din jurul partygate continuă să domine agenda.

When we moved to Spain we had to transfer our tax liability here. It was really easy at the Spanish end, an in person appointment with a tax officer who had all our details and sorted things out in the spot.

HMRC however were a nightmare, the call centre people know nothing, most information is not in computer so they cannot check it. They archived one form and all my personal documents, when I kicked up enough fuss it took them a month to get it back out and they tried to blame the Spanish postal system.

They chased me endlessly for small sums that I didn’t owe them.

When I moved to France I declared France as my new residence for tax purposes and that therefore I would no longer pay tax in the uK, having filled all the forms required.. They chased me for more than 2 years, repeatedly sending me tax bills that I did not owe.

It was maddening! they also kept sending me random letters to confirm that I was a tax resident in France…. The useless cretins!

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