Foreign and domestic investment in commercial and domestic in United Kingdom’s construction sector is getting hit by the political instability in United Kingdom caused by the dramatic decision of its own citizens to opt for a rupture with the European Union.
What was considered as a safe investment, by foreign investors in properties in London, they are starting to see their properties and investments losing value rather than gaining from raising prices.
The British Government still think that Theresa May will be the best person to handle the divorce negotiations with the United Kingdom, Theresa May has the support needed from the Conservative Party.
The Construction Industry, from giant companies to small ones, are feeling the pinch, by reporting a drastic demand for their services. Robuild London Builders, a London based building company said : Right now there is a second and silent ”credit crunch”, when it comes to the building industry. Just today, we had a client who told us that she won’t be using us to build an extension to her home, if we don’t provide her with accommodation, paid for by us. For the last few months , we had clients cancelling build works due to Brexit, everyone is afraid that the property bubble will burst after 2019.
At the same time , British Steel made a profit by selling to Europe, mainly to Italy and France, due to the fall in value of the Sterling, making cheaper the exports from United Kingdom to United Kingdom.
If United Kingdom will not get a trade deal with the biggest market economy in the world , European Union, the property market will go the same way, it will retract . WTO rules for building materials, are not friendly for London, most of them are being imported from abroad.
Building ecologically, while Donald Trump is the president of United States, is taking a step back.