Astra Zeneca

      • Keymaster
        KEYGLOBE on #67026

        Buna Ziua
        Doresc sa fac o lista cu decesele cauzate de vacinurile Covid. Daca aveti informatii, va rog sa postati aici sau la comentari.

      • Keymaster
        Social on #83483

        Vaccination is a crucial part of a developed
        country’s public health programme, and
        never more so than during a global infectious
        disease pandemic. By April 2023, 146 million
        Covid vaccines had been administered1
        England alone.
        Most developed countries have a system of compensation
        for injury caused by adverse reaction to a vaccine.2
        UK scheme was established by the Vaccine Damage
        Payment Act 1979 and is now administered by the NHS
        Business Services Authority. Covid vaccines were added
        to the scheme at the beginning of 2021, just before the
        NHS national Covid vaccine programme was rolled out.
        The UK scheme (covering all the devolved nations of the
        UK) is a non-fault scheme. Applications can be submitted
        either through a web portal or on a paper application.
        Once an application is received the scheme collects in all
        the GP and hospital medical records and the application
        is assessed for entitlement by a GP. The scheme requires
        the medical assessor to be satisfied, on the balance of
        probability, that the applicant has a permanent physical
        and/or psychological disablement which is broadly
        equivalent to the level of disablement at the level of 60%
        on the industrial injuries scale. The disablement therefore
        must be significant, but perhaps not as significant as many
        think. So, a person deaf in one ear with mild depression
        as a result of a vaccine was deemed to have the requisite
        level of disablement, albeit after a fight.
        2 Looker & Kelly, 2011 – a review of international no-fault
        compensation following adverse events attributed to vaccination
        So how is the scheme dealing with the fallout
        from the Covid vaccines?
        The latest statistics3
        show that as at 2nd April 2024, an
        initial decision on entitlement had been notified on about
        45% (4,996) of the 11,022 applications submitted so far. Of
        those 4,996 applications, 492 applicants were accepted
        to be disabled because of a Covid vaccine, but 324 were
        not considered “severely” disabled and therefore received
        no compensation. That left 168 which were accepted to
        be “severely” disabled by a Covid vaccination and each
        of those have received the fixed £120k compensation
        payment. A total of £20,160,000 has been paid to date.
        Of the 168 severely vaccine injured, 60 were fatalities.
        I have acted in a number of these fatal cases and my
        experience has been that in several cases no inquest and
        sometimes not even a post-mortem was undertaken.
        Deaths from thrombosis and thrombocytopenia due to the
        Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine in the early part of 2021 were
        wrongly considered (by doctors and medical examiners)
        to be natural occurrences. It was only after these incidents
        were formally recognised by the Medicines Healthcare
        Regulatory Authority (the Regulator of UK Medicines) in
        April 2021 that doctors, medical examiners, and Coroners
        began to appreciate these were non-natural deaths
        necessitating an inquest. I am continuing to get inquests
        opened even now in 2024, as cases overlooked in the
        early stages continue to emerge. As inquests from deaths
        in 2021/22 continue to be opened even now, it is likely
        that there will be more than 60 cases where there are
        legitimate questions which arise as to whether a death
        was non-natural and vaccine-related, which would justify
        an inquest being opened.
        According to the recent disclosure from the NHS Business
        Services Authority, the type of adverse reactions which so
        far have been accepted to have led to death or severe
        disablement from Covid vaccination are:
        3 Freedom of information disclosure released by the NHS Business
        Services Authority
        PETER TODD
        Covid vaccine injury
        compensation update,
        May 2024
        20 Lawyers Service Newsletter | JUNE 2024
        Legal aid is not generally available in the First Tier Tribuna

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