Cazul si divortul lui Andreia Bradeanu

      • Participant
        Ola on #37201

        Viata Noastra de iad in Anglia

        Ma numesc Andreia Bradeanu, (deasemenea stiuta ca Andreia Sutton) am 31 de ani si am 3 copii. Va scriu aceasta scrisoare cu speranta si increderea ca ne puteti ajuta. Acesta este cosmarul vietii noastre: In Decembrie 1999, cand aveam 14 ani, am intalnit un barbat Englez in varsta de 49 de ani. Acest om se numeste Robert Sutton, care venea in Romania, impreuna cu mai multi Englezi din 1990 cu ajutoare pentru saraci. Cand ne-am intalnit, am inceput sa merg cu acest om peste tot si sa traduc pentru el. Putine stiam ca acest om avea in gand alte motive de a se imprieteni cu mine. In acel moment il vedeam ca un om care imi putea fi tata si nimic mai mult. Imi ajuta familia si parea un om bun, pasator, compasionat si spunea ca era Crestin. Ma informat ca era insurat cu copii, dar era in process de divort pentru ca sotia lui era alcolica si era geloasa. La inceputul anului 2000, Robert a inceput sa ma vada ca potetial ‘’femeia lui’’. Am avut mult timp impreuna ca prieteni, dar apoi m-a cerut in casatorie. Am fost speriata si socata din cauza diferentei de varsta.

        Pana la urma am acceptat. Aveam 15 ani, parintii mei au fost de accord. Mama sa gandit ca va avea grija de mine fiind mai in varsta si ca nu voi avea o viata grea si chinuita ca ea. Le-am spus parintiilor ca nu il iubesc in acel fel. Tata mi-a raspuns: ‘’Dragostea/iubirea, va veni cu timpul’’. La toti din familia mea le placea de Robert si se pare ca le-a castigat prietenia si inima prin felul cat de bun si generos parea, prin toate lucrurile bune pe care le facea pentru oamenii in nevoie din Romania. Am acceptat sa ma casatoresc cu el si am facut planul sa ne casatorim cand implineam 16 ani, pentru a fi legal in Anglia. Cu timpul am inceput sa ma atasez de el. Ne-am mutat impreuna si peste tot mergeam impreuna. Am ramas insarcinata cu primul copil la varsta de 15 ani. Inainte sa implinesc 16 ani am nascut pe fiul nostru David. Cand am implinit 16 ani, ne-am casatorit in Romania, dupa care am mers in Anglia 2001. Nu am avut multa liniste in Anglia din cauza la media, care ne urmareau peste tot si scriau tot felul de articole despre noi, mai mult despre el, din cauza diferentei de varsta.

        Am ramas insarcinata cu al-2-lea copil si in 2003 am nascut pe fiica noastra Naomi. In acest timp, Robert a avut idea de a aduce o tanara in varsta de 17 ani sa locuiasca cu noi in Anglia,

        … ne ajute cu copii si in acelasi timp sa o ajutam pe ea financiar fiind din familie saraca. Robert cunostea familia acestei tinere din 1990, la fel si eu din momentul in care ne-am cunoscut. Cunoscund acea familie si fiind influentata de Robert, am fost de acord sa o aducem pe Nicoleta la noi in Anglia. Putin stiam, intentiile lui Robert si Nicoleta. Nu stiam acest lucru atunci, dar ei erau intr-o relatie secreta adulteroasa. Dupa 6 luni de minciuni, relatia lor a iesit la lumina. Eu personal i-am prins pe amandoi in pat in casa noastra in mijlocul noptii. Dupa un timp foarte scurt, am aflat ca Nicoleta era insarcinata cu sotul meu. Eu atunci aveam 2 copii, aveam 19 ani si eram total dependenta de sotul meu. Am decis sa il iert si sa incercam sa ne reparam familia. Mare greseala am facut.

        De atunci nimic nu a mai mers, nimic nu a mai putut fi reparat. Robert a inceput sa mearga intre mine si ea mereu. In timp ce inca eram in Anglia, fiica cea mai mare din prima lui casatorie, a facut o acuzatie dupa 30 de ani, la adresa tatalui ei, ca a abuzat-o sexual intre varsta de 7 – 13 ani cand era ea mica. Motivul acelei acuzatii dupa atatia ani era, ca Donna fiica lui, nu a vrut sa pateasca si fiica noastra Naomi ce a patit ea. Dar fostul sot Robert, mereu spunea ca fiica lui Donna din prima lui casatorie a facut aceasta acuzatie din cauza ca i-au lasat pe ei (primii lui copiii din casatorie), pentru mine. Politia a investigat, protectia copilului a investigat, Robert sa mutat din casa pana ei au investigat. Dupa ce au investigat, politia a decis sa nu mearga mai departe, pt ca nu era destula evidenta, dar spunand ca acuzatiile pareau credibile. Asa ca, protectia copilului au hotarat si au spus ca Robert se poate muta inapoi acasa. Dupa cate stiam acest caz, a fost terminat si ingropat si ca ne putem vedea de vietile noastre.

        Relatia dintre mine si Robert a fost volatila, instabila, certuri. Am nascut pe fiica nostra Victoria in Decembrie 2004. Nicoleta a nascut pe Bianca, fiica ei cu Robert in Martie 2005. Apoi Robert mi-a cerut sa divortez de el, pentru a se casatori cu Nicoleta. In asa fel, putea sa o aduca pe Nicoleta legal in Anglia. Motivul dat fiind ca nu putea trai impacat stiind ca unul din copiii lui traieste greu in Romania fara amandoi parinti. Stiind cum sa ajunga la inima mea cu acest motiv. Era faptul ca stia ca nici eu nu am avut amandoi parinti impreuna de la varsta 2 ani si cat m-a ranit si m-a afectat chiar si in viata de adult. Pe acest motiv, am divortat in Romania, pe baza de adulter din partea lui. S-a casatorit cu Nicoleta si a dus-o in Anglia impreuna cu fiica lor. Intre timp, Robert sa mutat cu Nicoleta si fiica lor, iar eu cu copii mei locuiam separat.

        Andreea Sutton cu copiii

        M-am mutat in alt judet, iar in acel judet, protectia copilului sa decis sa redeschida cazul despre acuzatia adusa catre Robert de fiica lui Donna. Eram o mama tanara cu 3 copii si fara ‘’partener/sot’’, singura aveam grija de copiii mei, nu erau abuzati, negliajati in nici un fel. Aveau totul ce era posibil sa aiba, in afara de tata si mama lor impreuna. Am crescut copii mei, cu maniere, respect, crestineste, ingrijiti etc. Singurul lucru era ca Victoria si David au fost diagnosticati cu ADHD, in Romania si in Anglia si au fost pusi pe tratament. David cu Victoria erau mai greu de facut fata cu ei, din motivul ca aveau ADHD si fiind afectati vazandu-l pe tata lor venind si plecand mereu si certuri. Naomi, nu a avut niciodata nici o problema de comportament si nimic de a iti da de ingrijorat la adresa ei. Naomi era un copil, care nu stiai ca era in casa, era un copil extreme de cuminte si ascultatoare. La fel si la scoala invata si era mereu peste tinta care era normal la varsta ei. Am facut curs pentru a fi o mama mai ‘’buna’’ si cum sa fac fata mai bine cu David si Victoria.

        Am inceput sa ma descurc cu copii mei mult mai bine si acel lucru a fost evident in progresul comportamentelor la David si Victoria. Dintr-o data ma trezesc cu protectia copilului la usa, pentru ca vecina de langa noi, a sunat si a raportat ca David cu Victoria erau in gradina cu cutite, de fapt copiii au spus ca taiau iarba cu cutitul in gradina. Eu fiind ocupata in casa impachetand lucruri pentru a ne muta, din cand in cand ii mai si verificam. Din momentul cand protectia copilului au venit la noi la usa, totul sa destramat. Au inceput sa faca raporturi false despre mine, copii si abilitatea mea ca parinte. S-au dus la tribunalul de familie din Liverpool si au aplicat sa puna copii pe lista de Child Protection pe baza de ‘’risc de abuz sexual’’ din partea tatalui lor, din cauza acuzatiilor aduse de fiica lui Donna. Am ajuns la tribunal zi de zi, de dimineata pana dupamasa, pentru a decide un singur judecator (de familie) daca Robert a abuzat sexual pe fiica lui Donna. Acest caz era despre Robert, iar apoi dintr-o data s-au intors importiva mea si a copiilor si fara avertizarea mi-au luat copii din grija mea. Tinand cont ca nu mai eram cu tata lor si ca el era si traia cu Nicoleta si copilul lor, cu inca unul pe drum. Judecatorul a spus clar: ‘’Nu iti iau copii pentru ca esti o mama rea sau ca nu iti iubesti copii. Dar pentru atata timp cat suntem la tribunal zi de zi, nu poti avea grja cum trebuie de copii sis a le dai atentia de care au nevoie. Acest comentariu, mi-a lasat impresia ca dupa ce se termina cazul cu Robert, copii mei vor fi lasati inapoi acasa la mama lor. Dupa cateva saptamani de cercetare, judecatorul a decis ca Robert si-a abuzat sexual fiica cand ea avea intre 7 – 13 (inainte ca noi sa ne cunoastem). Pe langa faptul ca a luat in considerarea varsta mea si a lui cand ne-am intalnit, iar apoi ca sa implicat cu Nicoleta cand ea avea 17 ani, a decis ca Robert este un predator si cu inclinatie la fete tinere. Tribunalul apoi a decis pe loc ca eu si Robert sa nu mai avem nici o legatura si a pus restrictive intre a ne contacta spunand, ca daca se afla ca am avut contact copii vor fi pusi in grija permanenta la Autoritatea Locala. Acesti oameni, profesionisti, au spus cu gura lor ca acest Robert este periculos, mincinos, manipulator. Dar pe cealalta parte se asteptau ca o fata care a stat cu acest om periculos, manipulator, sa se desprinda de el instant.

        Acesti oameni sunt cei care trebuie sa stie ca acest lucrur ia timp si victima are nevoie de ajutor profesionist pentru a se elibera de abuzator. Am platit privat orele de terapie consiliera, dupa ce Autoriatea Locala au incetat sa imi plateasca aceste ore pe care tribunalul le-a spus sa mi le plateasca. Consiliera mea, a scris un raport pozitiv despre progresul meu de a ma dezlipi de tatal copiilor si abilitatea mea de imi proteja copii. Acest raport si alte evidente au fost ignorate de tribunal. Am invatat psihologie de copii si curs de a lucra cu copii. Am facut curs pt a fi o mama mai buna, la fel si curs pentru a intelege si a ma descurca cu copii cu ADHD. Fiica mea cea mica si fiul meu amandoi au fost diagnosticati in Romania cu ADHD, la fel si in Anglia. Protectia copilului si tribunalul au refuzat si au ignorant acest diagnostic, spunand ca copii nu au ADHD, ci este din cauza ca nu am fost o mama buna si nu am stiut sa-I cresc.

        Am platit 21 de ore in particular (£50 pe ora), pentru a continua cu aceasta doamna profesionista. Am reusit sa ma maturizez, dezlipesc de tatal copiilor. Am facut tot ce era nevoie sa fac ca ei sa imi dea copii acasa, totusi nu s-au tinut de cuvant si au continuat sa scrie minciuni si lucruri negative de mine. Sunt recasatorita cu un Roman si avem toate posibilitatiile sa crestem si sa avem grija de toate nevoiile copiilor. Nici acest lucru nu face diferenta pt acesti oameni.

        Recent fiul meu David a fost diagnosticat tot in Anglia ca are ADHD si alte nevoi special. Acest diagnostic este al -3 –lea care confirma ca cei 2 doctori (din Romania si UK) au avut dreptate si au stiut ca de fapt copilul meu are aceste problem. Intrebarea mea este, unde stau eu acuma cu toata umilinta de toti ca fiul meu se comporta in anumite feluri din cauza la felul cum i-am educat pe copii mei? Unde stau eu in toate punerile jos de catre acesti oameni si tribunal, care mereu s-au uitat la mine de sus, m-au jignit, umilit, si-au batut joc de mine? Acest diagnostic al fiului meu, dovedeste ca copii mei au fost tinuti departe de mama lor toti acesti 5 ani sub pretexte false… Fiul meu David, a fost nascut in Romania, este cetatean Roman, are 14 ani, insa ei refuza sa-i faca bulletin. Acesti oameni ia dreptul fiului meu ca cetatean Roman de a isi face bulletin. Fiica cea mijlocie Naomi, nu doarme noptiile din cauza ca-i lipseste mama ei. Este atat de stresata si ingrijjorata incat acest stress se manifesta prin sangerari de nas, fiiind nevoie de gheata pentru a alina durera si umflarea nasului. Pe langa asta, sufera cu dureri de cap…Naomi are doar 11 ani si deja are aceste problem din cauza stresului. Toate aceste lucruri le-au ascuns de mine. Cea mica, Victoria are cosmaruri noptiile si isi loveste capul de perete in somn. Se da cu capul de pereti chiar si cand este treaza, sparge lucruri din casa, loveste pe cei care au grija de ele, le striga ca si-ar dori ca acesti oameni sa moara si ca le opreste din a vedea-o pe mama lor. Pe langa asta, le baga in cap la copii ca nu-i iubesc si incearca sa intoarca copii importiva mea. Am ajuns sa ma dechizez sa ma strecor pe furis sa imi vad copii cand merg la scoala, iar faptul ca am vazut pe Naomi si David le-a dat confidenta si curaj. Am cumparat telefoane la fiica mea pt a avea contact cu mama ei. De fiecare data i-au gasit telefonul si le-a confiscat. Amandoua fiice, mereu le spun la oamenii unde stau si autoritatea locala, ca vor acasa si ca le opreste sa o vada pe mama lor. A ajuns Naomi sa imi spuna sa ma dechizez intr-o femeie batrana pentru a merge sa o vad la scoala Este clar ca vrea sa isi vada mama. A avut 4 telefoane, pe toate I le-a luat. Nu au voie in pause si nici sa se joace afara cu prietenii. Este mai rau ca la puscarie. Am ajuns sa platesc sa vad cee ace este al meu….costuri de tribunal, represntarea legala si chiar si sansa de a merge la puscarie pentru ca mi-a vazut copii. Copii sunt copii mei, nu a lor. Am purtat acesti copii in pantecul meu, am trecut prin dureri, nopti ne-dormite si am crescut si educat copii mei sa aibe maniere bune sis a iubeasca pe Dumnezeu. Am trecut prin toate astea, ca altii sa imi fure copii si sa-i tina departe de mama lor importiva vointei lor si a mamei lor. Sunt copii mei si totusi ei decid pentru ei.

        Copii mei au fost abuzati emotional, si fizic in grija acestei autoritati. Au avut toata copilaria furata. Ma doare caci copii mei nu au sansa sa fie copii, sa alerge dealurille si campiile Romaniei cu copii, asa cum am facut eu. Copii mei nu au aceasta frumoasa amintire a copilarie ca mama lor, ci trauma si cosmarul acesta. Nu este correct si nici uman ceea ce se intampla. Se pare ca nimanui nu-i pasa si le este mai usor sa intoarca spatele. La fel si priministrul David Cameron, Printul Charles, Regina si restul familiei roiale si ambasada Romaniei din Londra, carora le-am scris. Este greu de stiut ca este atata indiferenta in aceasta lume si atata coruptie. Acuma protectia copilului au aplicat la tribunal sa imi opreasca contactul cu copii de tot sis a ma arunce dupa bariile puscariei sa ma poate scoate din viata copiilor mei, ca ei sa poata sa isi continue lucrul professional corrupt.

        Am cerut de 2 ani sa imi dea toate recorduriile ce le au despre mine si copii. Doi ani, m-au mintit in legatura cu aceste recorduri si m-au invartit. Nu vor sa mi le de apt ca stiu ca imi voi lua copii acasa si ca I pot da in judecata daca am in mana aceste informatii. Au incalcat legea 2 ani si inca o fac, totusi scapa de fiecare data si nu le face legea nimic pentru asta. Tribunalul a dat ordine judecatoreasca ca ei sa imi dea totul ce ei se bazeaza ca evidenta pe 11 Martie 2015, nu mi-au trimis tot ce le-a spus tribunalul, asa ca pe 23 Aprilie sa amanat din aceasta cauza pana pe 8 Iunie 2015. Nici acum nu mi-au trimis tot, din nou pe 8 Iunie va fi o pierdere de timp, costuri si stress. Ma reprezint singura, cu doar un prieten Crestin care ma ajuta sa imi pregatesc cazul, pt ca nici un avocat nu sa luptat pt noi. Toti sunt prieteni si se cunosc. Acesti oameni nu comunica si nu lucreaza cu mine asa cum le-a spus tribunalul sa faca. Cand merg la intalniri cu ei, dupa ce pleaca la birou scriu lucruri false sau sterg originalul si re-scriu peste original. Cu cat lupt pt copii mei mai mult si nu renunt, cu atat mai greu devine sa le fac fata la acesti oameni. Cu cat merg mai departe, cu atat forta, rautatea si minciunile din partea lor devin mai indesate si mai puternice. Am inceput sa ma simt descurajata, vazand cum nimanui nu-i pasa si la ce sunt in stare sa mearga unii oameni pentru a distruge viata oamenilor cand este vorba de salariu si bonusuri. Am ajuns sa ma hranesc cu pastile in fiecare zi pentru a imi ascunde depresia si durerile de cap cu care ma trezesc zi de zi. Nu mai pot,…tot ceea ce vreau sunt copiii mei acasa, langa mama lor unde apartin si unde sunt cei mai fericiti. Doar langa mama lor pot creste si developa… Nici limba Romana nu ne lasa sa vorbim, iar consecinta este caci copiii mei nu mai vorbesc Romana dupa ce ca au vorbit fluent inainte sa-i ia de la mine. Suntem amenintati ca daca vorbim in Romana la contact opresc contactul si cheama politia. Nu sunt invitata la serbari, sedinte cu parintii, la intalniri despre copii mei, doctor etc. Nu am mai vazut copii din decembrie 2014… Nu au voie sa se joace afara cu copii nici la scoala in pauze nu-i lasa. Fiicele mele plang si se prabusesc emotional la toate astea…la cum sunt tratate…..Au ajuns sa se certe surorile intre ele de la stres si derutare, sa isi spuna una la alta cuvinte crude in loc sa fie tari impreuna si sa se iubeasca. Acesti oameni imi distrug copiii. Multi nu au idee ce se intampla in realitatea cu aceste autoritati, din contra se uita de sus la tine cand aud ca ai avut copiii luati, crezand ca ai facut ceva ca parinte sau nu ai fost capabil de a avea copiii acasa. Judecatoarea ne-a amenintat daca spunem ce se intampla in afara tribunalului ea are puterea de a ne baga la puscarie.

        Daca este sa fiu aruncata dupa gratii pentru ca imi iubesc copii si nu renunt la ei, atunci asa sa fie….atat timp cat traiesc si copii mei traiesc prin mine, atat timp cat stelele sunt pe cer, nu renunt la copii mei. Acesti oameni sunt cruzi, barbarici si reincarnarea lui Hitler, sunt inumani. Cu toate acestea ei spun ca au interesele cele mai bune pt copiii mei…..cred ca evidenta si faptele spun totul. Fiul meu ma suna pe ascuns in fiecare nopate sa-i citesc din Biblie si sa-i spun Tatal nostru, ca el sa poata adormi. Acest lucru il faceam cand erau acasa….Ce rau este in faptul ca copilul vrea sa-I citesc povesti sa poata adormi, pt ca-i aminteste de cand era acasa? Nu este nimic rau, ci doar cruzime si rautate din partea acestor oameni. Va rog sa ma ajutati sa imi iau copii langa mine inapoi….asta este tot ce vreau si ca copii mei sa nu mai sufere. Am fost victima tatalui lor si pentru asta eu si copiii platim, iar el este liber ……Unde este dreptatea? Te bazezi pe cei din autoritate sa te ajute, dar in loc ei abuzeaza acea putere. Mi-au pus restrictie sa nu merg langa copiii mei nici sa nu vorbesc cu ei, altfel ma baga in puscarie, ma amendeaza sau imi iau din lucruriile din casa. Asta scrie pe ordinea judecatoreasca. Primesc aceasi amenintare de la ei, pentru a ma speria si a ma intimida ca daca imi vad copiii sau vorbesc cu ei, intru la puscarie. Nu am facut rau la copiii mei niciodata, nu am nici o convictie criminala, nu am avut niciodata problem cu autoritatile, nu beau, nu fumez, nu consum droguri. Totusi, se pare ca ei cand vor sa puna mana pe copii, gasesc tot felul de scuze si minciuni. Intre timp, o femeie din Scotia si-a omorat copilul, l-a ingropat in padure, au bagat-o la puscarie si cel mai interesant lucru este ca, isi vede ceilalti copii la fiecare 2 saptamani. Eu nu am facut nici un rau la copiii mei, nu i-am neglijat si-i vad de 6 ori pe an, iar acuma vor sa imi opreasca tot contactul cu copiii, la care l-au si oprit deja. Si criminalii in puscarie au mai multe drepturi….

        Unde este dreptatea? Toti inchid ochii la ce se intampla. Acestea sunt cuvintele fiicei Naomi de 11 ani, scrise in mesajele ce mi le-a trimis pe telefon: ‘’So are you (amazing, Mum), because you are beautiful inside out.’’ ‘’And you’ll always be, because no one can stop us even if they tried.’’ ‘’I love you my beautiful parents.’’ I know, we will always be together and the only person to blame is the judge.’’ You and dad amaze me, because you are kind, loving and stylish.’’ Love you to the moon and back again, but a lot more. Our love is an 8 because the loops don’t end.’’ You (Mum) will always be the thing that keeps me going.’’ ‘’I never believed them (Protectia copilului) anyway. If you ever tell a lie you need to make it believable and they are rubbish at it.’’ ‘’Because their heads (Protectia copilului) are hollow and know nothing.’’ ‘’I will fight to go home even if it’s the last thing I do.’’ ‘’You once told me it might happen, so when we got to foster carers, social services said, it was a little holiday so I said no it’s not.; we are in foster care, then I threw a massive tantrum screaming I want to go home. The tantrum went on for ages.’’ ‘’They said it was a little holiday, it turns out they meant a life time.’’ ‘’They are so twisted if they think they can ruin lives for a wage. One day I will fight for us and other people who don’t deserve this.’’ ‘’We are human to, but they treat us like the piece of dirt on the bottom of their shoe and I won’t stand for that.’’ ‘’I really love you and dad.’’ ‘’ I love you to infinity and beyond.’’ God bless you. Sweet dreams. The iubesc for ever lots. Hugs and kisses.’’ ‘’Get well soon (Mum), I pray for you.’’ ‘’I love you forever. You are my mum, home and best friend.’’ Facebook: Andre Bradeanu You are my biggest blessing from the Lord, that I have. I love you all to infinite and back and unconditionally xoxoxoxox 11 January at 22:42 Simone Rose (Naomi) U 2. If u was not my mum and someone else was i dont know how i would live, as u keep me going. Xoxo

        Andreea Sutton

        Cred ca aceste cuvinte spuse de un copil de 11 ani, spun totul….
        Nu mi-am vazut copii din Decembrie 2014, fara motiv. Acesti opameni refuza constant sa respecte ordinea judecatoreasca si sa serveasca pe mama tot ce a spus judecatoarea. Mereu au facut asta, mereu m-au pus jos, m-au umilit, m-au judecat gresit si s-au purtat greu cu mine pe nedrept. Judecatoarea vede tot ce se intampla si tot de partea lor este….si permite aceasta coruptie in tribunalul ei. Mai bine spus chiar si judecatoarea contribuie la acea coruptie, caci ea vede totul ce se intampla si totusi ignora si refuza sa faca ceva. Am si evidente in scris si inregistrari audio cu ei ca au mintit. Nu mai pot, am ajuns la punctul disperarii. Am ajuns sa regret ca am calcat piciorul in Anglia, ca ei sa imi fure copii si sa ne abuzeze in felul asta. Asa ceva nu vezi in Romania. Parintii plasamentari a fetelor Louise si Alistair Nutting, au mintit la politie ca i-am hartuit, injurat si cam am folosit limbaj urat. Fara ca ei sa stie am inregistrat acele incidente care dovedesc ca au facut raporturi false despre noi, stiind ca sunt false. De la inceput, cand ne-au intalnit, acest cuplu tinar s-au uitat la noi de sus. Am fost tarati pe la politie si in bagati la celul 12 ore, tinuti 2 ore fara apa, neglijati cu migrena si in frig. S-au purtat foarte urat cu noi si racisti din cauza ca suntem Romani. Politia Britanica din Meseyside ne-a asultat fizic in fata fiicelor Victoria si Naomi. Din Septembrie 2015, am fost tarati prin politie, si re-arestati ilegal, fara drepturi citite etc. La fel a fost si primul arest ”ilegal”, care audio nostru dovedeste acest abuz de putere. Politia ne-a pus restrictie sa nu intram in oras pentru a se asigura ca stam deoparte de copiii nostrii. Louise si Alistair Nutting, nu doar au facut acuzatii false la politie despre noi, ci au scris si declaratii false si au dat marturie falsa sub juramant la tribunal. Louise si Alistair, impreuna cu Asistenta Sociala Kath Groves, au bagat frica in Victoria ca o furam si au spus la tribunal ca am fost la Victoria la scoala sa o fur. Pe 17 Mai mergem la Tribunal in Liverpool, pentru ca Politia si Tribunalul sa se uite la toate evidentele noastre si a lor. Procesul principal este setat pentru data de 13 Iunie 2016, cand se va decide ce se va intampla cu noi. Am cerut ca fiica mea Naomi sa se prezinte la tribunal ca martora. Tribunalul a spus ca nu este garantat pentru ca Protectia Copilului va putea spune ca nu este spre interesul ei. Acesta este motivul care l-au folosit mereu, cand Naomi le-a spus ca vrea sa vina la tribunal sa dea evidenta. Naomi mi-a spus ca nu vor sa o lase sa mearga la tribunal, nu o lasa pentru ca Naomi stie multe despre ce se intampla si nu vor sa se afle. Acesta este inca un drept incalcat. Sunt atatea de multe sa va spun, daca ar fi sa fac asta as scrie o carte mare… Va rog sa imi scuzati gramatica, sau alte greseli de tipografie, am scris aceasta scrisoare plangand, de asemenea Romana mea nu este asa buna fiind de mult plecata.

        Acesta este numarul meu de telefon: 00447568329005, email:

        Cu respect, Andreia Bradeanu

      • Participant
        Ola on #37205

      • Participant
        Ola on #37207

        Robert Sutton Spune:
        mai 6, 2016 at 09:57

        Andreia Sutton Bradeanu is not telling you the full truth of why her children were removed and her contact stopped. You should try and get the full facts and do some proper reporting. If you only print what people tell you without obtaining the truth and facts then you are guilty of just being a way of spreading gossip and the lies people tell you. It should also be noted that court orders in the UK prevent the Media from naming names or printing anything to do with this family court case. Clearly you don’t respect the laws in the UK. I also hate the British legal system but know that only a change in the law will take away the power that one single biased Judge has over so many innocent lives. Ultimately the truth will prevail and in the timing of God the law will be changed in the UK to take the power away that a single biased Judge has.
        Andreia Sutton Bradeanu Spune:
        mai 6, 2016 at 20:47

        Normal ca la Robert Sutton nu-i place la domnul sa afle lumea ca a luat o copila asa tanara si si-a batut joc de ea si ce i-a facut la fiica lui din prima casatorie. Acest om mi-a facut viata amara si iad. Este un om manipulativ, periculos si bolnav mental. Mai are tupeul si curajul sa se declare crestin si isi inseala nevasta cu prietena lor, o lasa gravida in timp ce ea sta in casa lor. Apoi se insoara cu cea care si-a inselat nevasta cu care si cu aia au facut 2 copii, din care unul din ei a venit pe lume din relatia adulteroasa cand si-a inselat nevasta. Cei 2 copiii ai sotiei lui cu care si-a inselat nevasta i s-au luat copiii si dati in adoptie din cauza ca au descoperit pe recoduriile calculatorului si sim ca ea ia mintit ca nu mai are legatura cu el. In acele recorduri au scos chiar si conversatiile dintre Robert Sutton si sotia lui Nicoleta, care arata tot ce au vorbit si ca la lasat sa vada copiii. Acuma ca si-a pierdut copiii inloc sa lupte pt ei si sa-l lase in pace tot casatorita cu el este. De ce i-au luat ei copiii? Pt ca sa dovedit ca la ales pe el inlocul copiiilor, in timp ce eu m-am recasatorit si am rupt legatura cu un asemenea pedofil, pervers care umbla sa vaneze fetele tinere din Romania. Pe langa asta domnul o insela si pe Nicoleta sotia lui cu o alta tanara din Romania care pot dovedi. Pe langa asta sa tinem cont de fiica cea mai mare a lui Robert Sutton pe care abuzat-o sexual dupa acuzatia ficei lui cand avea intre 7-13 ani. Cei care il cunosc pe acest om, stiu de ce este in stare si cine este el cu adevarat. Ce spune domnul Robert Sutton, daca eu acuma dau in public declaratia fiicei lui care la acuzat de abuz sexual si motivele protectiei copilului si a tribunalului mi-au luat copiii? Toate documentele de la tribunal mentioneaza un singur motiv pentru luarea copiiilor mei :”Robert Sutton este un pericol grav si predator” dupa cuviintele la toate tribunalul din Liverpool si Londra plus psihologi. Si in ziua de azi am toate mesajele si scrisoriile abuzive si limbaj murdar de la Robert Sutton, raporturi si plangeri la politie etc. Acest om trebuie inchis pt ca are probleme mari mentale. Acuma Robert Sutton este implicat cu biserica lui din Anglia in misiune in Romania in Slatina Olt. Deschid centru pt copiii cu nevoi speciale, clar ca mahneste in el sa nu se afle ce a facut ca il da afara iara din misiune. Atat mai trebuie un asa om sa lucreze cu copiii cu nevoi speciale sa mai isi ia alt copil va victima. Ba da se da nume, de ce lasa sa stie lumea adevarul si care sunt copiii furati. Sunt copiii mei si eu decid pt ei nu un stat corupt.
        Andreia Sutton Bradeanu Spune:
        mai 6, 2016 at 20:50

        Tot ceea ce spune in aceste articole este purul adevar. Nu spun nimic ce bu pot dovedi ca apoi sa fiu data in judecata sau alte probleme. Dragii oameni va asigur si fiti confidenti ca totul va iesi la lumina despre acest caz (coruptia ai abuzul statului si cine este cu adevarat domnul Robert Sutton care se da asa numit crestin nascut din nou. Lup in haine de oaie)
        Robert Sutton Spune:
        mai 7, 2016 at 17:09

        Andriea lost her children because she was going from Man to Man, working as a Lap Dancer, neglecting her children while she spent her time on the internet while her children played alone in the garden with knives. Her Romanian husband Alex had drug convinctions and was involved with sending pornographic photo’s. The Judge found that Andreia was not a good mother but all this she keeps secret trying to paint herself as a saint. Andreia also broke court injunctions because she thinks she is above the law and can do what she wants. My book „LIKE GOLD IN THE HANDS OF GOD” is a true story of everything that took place. Andreia is a very manipulative person who plays with people’s hearts to get what she wants. The Judge saw Andreia for who she is. Stop your lying Andreia and accept what the Judge decided then you might move on with your life.
        Robert Sutton Spune:
        mai 7, 2016 at 17:36

        You failed to tell people that the police investiagted the allegations made against me and decided their was no evidence and the police did not make any charges against me. You still manipulate people and the truth. If you are such a good mother why did the social services stop your contact with them? You also slandered the innocent family who are looking after our children and are trying to give them a good home. You are just a very bitter person who pretends to be a Christian but your actions show that you don’t know anything about God or the love of Jesus. It is time you accepted the part you played and why you lost our children and why they are in foster care. I will continue to pray for you Andreia as you really need a touch from God.
        Andreia Sutton Bradeanu Spune:
        mai 8, 2016 at 00:33

        SATAN GET BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM, I AM NOT HAVING IT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. What Robert Sutton is saying is totally FALSE. I will make public the court orders and judgements to prove to the whole world that Robert Sutton is a pedophile, liar, not a CHRISTIAN, HYPOCRITE. The book Like Gold in the hands of gold is a blaspheme, FALSE, it is dark and not language a so called BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN IS USING NOR THE CONTINUOUS ACTIONS HE IS STILL COMMITING. His book was ordered by the court to take his book off the market. I have made a written request and demanded that he takes his disgusting and false book of the market, that he had no permission from me to use my name, my children’s name or my husband’s name. I have made it very clear to Robert Sutton that I will take legal action against him. I demanded from him in writing a public appology. He refused to do so. The next step it is very strong legal action against Robert Sutton for damage with false accussations to my and my family’s name. Damage to our character. Damage for including personal information in relation to my personal intimate health as a woman. Damage for all the distress caused in all this and harrasment throught this false book. Robert Sutton is selling his rubbish for £15 (15 lire) Christians from England have read parts of his rubbish and stated he is a SICK MAN and felt phisically sick when they read it. In parts where he makes ceirtain references for example about Farm Fellowship Church (Ian and Christine Foulds) he has not told the truth. Mr and Mrs Foulds are asking people to speak to them about the true account which Robert Sutton has used about them. Mr and Mrs Foulds state the man is sick and deluded and they know Robert Sutton and what he is capable. They have been witnesses to some things which confirm that Robert Sutton book is deluded and false. They know all the abuse I had from Robert Sutton because he was jealous for moving on with my life. I also have other witnesses who will confim this and who have been present while Robert was harrasing and stalking me on the telephone, streets and late at night shouthing abuse through my letterbox. He climbed in my house thrpugh the window one night when i was at my street dance lessons and was waiting for me inside the house in the dark. He has broken my bedroom door because he was obsessed i was with a man, shouting abuse and falsely accussing me being a slut and worse. I was no longer with him at the time. I was on the telephone with the POLICE at the time he was kicking my bedroom door down and shouting, the police heard it all. When he broke the door down, he saw there was bo man in my house. The Police came and arrested him for what ge had done as well for criminal damage.

        AS FOR THE MAN TO MAN accussation, let me make myself very clear to clear the record. I did not go from man to man. I was bo longer with Robert Sutton, every timr I wanted to have a boyfriend and court someone, he was angry and interfered and has destroyed my relationship. I met my husband Alex, he tried very hard to destroy our relationship. He was calling my husbamd a devil, dog, slut and user. Alex has put up with a lot of abuse from Robert, yet he stayed, did not leave as many would have done. We are still married and has been my strong tower in my suffering and fight for my children. I still have his abusive and dirty letters to prove this and text messages and role model as a CHRISTIAN. I am keeping them ALL for when my children are old enough to read such words. My children will NEVER see this creature again, I will make sure. I love my children and I will never allow such creature near my children. Even my son David told me to leave him for good when he was a todler very young child. Even now my son remembers when he told me that and how his father has trapped his mum’s thumb(big finger) in the door and the trauma what he had seen that night. My son remembers how he was bear his mum when this had happened and he has pulled his mum’s thumb out from between the closed door and how her thumb looked. Mr and Mrs Foulds are both very happy to speak to anyone at any time. Should anyone wish to speak to them please contact me on Facebook and i will give you their contact details.

        I will release in public the court’s judgement which proves the only readon for the removal of my children being Robert Sutton. It has nothing to do with his false accussation from man to man neither that I had been dancing in any clubs. Just for the record „I did not dance in ANY clubs in NOVEMBER 2009 when my children were removed.

        SO WHY DID ROBERT SUTTON WRITE his Lie, Crap and Delussion? TO USE THE MONEY FOR A GOOD LIFE. TO COMPLETELY NAIL AND BURY THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN. FOR PEOPLE TO BELIEVE IT AND GIVE HIM THE ATTENTION. TO TEY AND BLAME OTHERS BUT HIMSELF AS JUSTIFICATION ABOUT ALL HE HAD DONE (THE WORDS OF THE JUDGES ABOUT ROBERT SUTTON) TO ONLY WRITE ABOUT HIM ONLY WHAT HE WANTS PEOPLE TO HEAR. TO ONLY SAY PARTS ABOUT HIS ACCUSSATION IN REGARDS TO HIM SEXUALLY ABUSING HIS DAUGHTER FROM FIRST MARRIAGE. —– Why would he write such things if he was a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN? WHY Would he write such disgusting things about the mother of his children whom he kept telling her he lived her and wanted her back when he had married Nicoleta? Robert was a very angry man burning with anger and jealousy. He could not cope with the FACT that I was moving on. IN HIS LETTERS he states „YOU HAVE BROKEN MY HEART WITH MEN” How can a married man with Nicoleta still tell another woman such things and expect to have her whe you are married and she has moved on? HE went on to accuse my mother of going with men. He also has falsely accussed me of having sex with my family members. This is stomach turning, still WHILE DPUNG ALL THRSE he calls himself A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN. The people who supervised my contacts with my children habe witnessed when Robert has followed my and Alex on the streets shouting abuse to us both, he even came to the family centre where contact was taking place. (There was also cctv and staff had to go out to him).

        Robert has slashed all four tyres at my car because I was with Alex.He was reported to the police. He then felt guilty of what he had done and offered to pay for all four tyres.(I dud bot accept anything from him) Robert Sutton has written to me a letter while still married to Nicoleta and has told me he will pay me for sex £100 per hour,I still have the letter (I did not accept since I am not a prostitute and felt sick and disgusted. He did not like it and continued to be abusive) This is only a small summary of what Robert Sutton has done and who he trully is. TODAY he still declares himself as a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN, he stated the reason my children were removed becaise I went from man to man and danced in the club. TAKE NOTE OF WHAT HE HAS JUST SAID VERY CAREFUL. I will prove to the world what a LIAR the man who calls himself a born again christian is, yet all this and his church alliws him to work in Romania with children knowing about his past. I will post the evidence from the court stating only one reason and concern of why they took my children „Robert Sutton is a grave danger and a predator with the inclination for young girls” (Judge’s EXACT WORDS) As soon as i get the chance i will post this evidence,please keep your eyes on my facebook. I could go on and on, I could write big volumes. I will let the evidence to speak for itself. Dear brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen, you are free to believe anything and I respect this. However, I have told the truth and nothing but the truth and to back it up I will show the evidemce, unlike him having no evidence but falsely and sickly accussing the mother of his children. May God bless you all and give you the wisdom to discern the truth. As for ne, I will no longer reply to any more sick messages from such creature. He saw I am not having contact with him, he decided to write here to get my attention and get in tuch with him even if it’s negative comments. Well, I am not playing any of his sick games, I am not falling for it. Leave me alone psycho and get on with your life and let me and my family ALONE (This includes my children, my husband and my Romanian family and friends) He had a triple bypass he boasted in his letter to the court. I am not rejoycing in anyone’s problems. However, I know God is a very JUST God and when He enters into judgement with you, it will be very quick just like God had done with the King of Babylon. Appologies for some spelling mistakes, my keypad is small and have typed quick. —- By the way, I have only just recently added the name Sutton to my name on Facebook in case my children are searching for me on that name as they are Sutton. I fid not add it because I still like having his name, I am sick and disgusted by such creature, someone who should not be walking around free, but this is UK JUSTICE. Andreea Bradeanu.
        Andreia Sutton Bradeanu Spune:
        mai 8, 2016 at 00:41

        For the record contact with my children was stopped only because: I went public with my case. I had unsupervised contact with my children. I can prove this to well. All I have stated I have the evidence well kept with many copies made and not at home. My evidence it’s to valuable to keep at home. It will all come out at the right time. Actually I must mention how Robert Sutton has been always consistent at court that I was a good loving mother. Until I went public he always called my in statement at court a good loving mother.For the first time he decided to LIE again and try to derive from his SHIT petverted ways and to cover up what he had done.Excuse my language.
        Andreia Sutton Bradeanu Spune:
        mai 8, 2016 at 00:50

        This creature has made threats to me that he will make sure I will never get my children back because I was with Alex whom he was calling a dog, a devil and a male version of a slut. I have a witness who was present when he has said this. The lady is a older lady and knows him and myself personally.
        Andreia Sutton Bradeanu Spune:
        mai 8, 2016 at 06:53

        Please read the first article about our case. Everything written in these articles id the truth and nothing but the truth and i can prove absolutely everything, unlike the Delussioned Robert Sutton.
        Andreea Sutton Bradeanu Spune:
        mai 8, 2016 at 07:58

        Hypocrite! After he has done so much damage to my and my children’s life he comes here to LIE and BLAME the mother for his own actions when all the court documents and judgements state very clear the reason for ky children being removed being him. The judge has said the same thing and that Robert is the worst of the worst, I agree with that.This creature is happy and content that my children were taken. After him being the ONLY reason they were removed because of his past and pedophilia towards such young girls, he has the courage to turn the blame in the mother to cover up what he has done. He says i should accept my children being foster care. What a parent would do that? One who only cares about himself, sexually perverted and the most selfish man I ever though you can ever meet. My daughters are not in a loving family, they are not happy. The diary sheets which the foster carers have written about the girls confirm this. The foster carers who look after my girls have made false reports about myself and my husband that we have harrassed them, swore at them and used innapropiate language towards them. Luckily we have recorded the incident when we went to see my daughters without tgem knowing. The Police has listened to the recording and admitted we have NOT swore or used innapropiate language. These carers have LIED that I went to my daughter’s school to kidnap her. (I never went to her school) They have LIED that they saw my at my oldest daughter’s school on a certain day and time and written all these un their statements. When I brought evidence proving I was somewhere else that day and time, they said „we meant to sat another day” I did not get any appologies. If I could not prove where I was that day, judge would have believed another FALSE accussation about me and would have found it against me. Just two examples if many. Of course I will never accept my children to stay in foster care. I am not like his wife Nicoleta who lost her two children because it was proveen she is still in the relationship with him and has let him see her children. She chose him over her children and they were adopted. She gave up on them and continues her life with him until even now. I moved on, married and still fighting for my children. This is the difference between the two mothers. Even Robert’s children from first marriage gave evidence against what he had done. He is very capable to do all his daughter has accussed him off. I can say this because when she gave evidence and was interviwed his daughter has said he was using certain tactics, words and behaviour as he has done with me in exactly the same way. He has even gone with Nicoleta to see my son outside while playing at the children’s home when he was not allowed to have contact with my children. Why go and destroy any chances I had in having my children back? Why put it at risk if he loves his children? Why did he not stay away from me when he was ordered if he loves his children? Instead he continued to stalk and harrass me and my husband. By seeing this Social Services have said that this man will never stop and that is why they refuse to let my children home.What was Nicoleta doing going to see my son? What right did she have? NONE! She should have been concerned abiut her children why got adopted and go to see them. Go and cause harm to her case not to mine. This man should not be free, he is mentally and people who know him know this to.
        Robert Sutton Spune:
        mai 8, 2016 at 16:15

        It was you Andreia who gave me a sexual decease because of all the men you was having sex with going from Man to Man that hospital records at Southport would prove. Chipri, Danny, Dorin, Alex and me you were playing with at the same time plus a few other men that I know about.It was Alex with a drug conviction that caused the Judge lots of concerns. Your children were removed from your care in August 2011 the same time you was working as a lap and pole dancer in Manchester. It was in 2010 and 2011 that you had at least 4 men on the go at the same time because you was more interested in men than getting your children from the temporary care they were in. It was you Andreia that was happy to have my help behind the backs of the social services but when I got angry because of all the other men you were seeing you did not like it. You also hated the fact that the social services were planning to let Nicoleta have her children back and return to Romania with them and that was why you told the social services that I had been helping Nicoleta just like I had been helping you. God saw your evil plan and that is why you now have no contact with your children just like Nicoleta. I kept silent up until now about all your lusts and evil ways because I was determined to move on with my life and not let bad Judges and evil people destroy me. We all did bad things to hurt each other and I repented of my sins a long time ago and now move forward with my life waiting for the day my children are old enough to make their own decisions if they want to have contact with me. It is clear you are still a very bitter, vindictive and angry person at anyone who speaks the truth that you will not admit or accept. You have no respect for the law. You state I did not have your permission to mention your name in my book but you show what a hipocrit you are by posting media details of the names of people you never asked for permission to use their names. You are still the same Andreia that hates anyone who speaks out against you and your evil ways. My book tells the truth and that is something else you hate because it includes the good, the bad and the ugly concerning everything. It also makes clear that when we truly repent God forgives us because Jesus Christ paid the penalty for all our sins. Sadly andreia you still want to live in the past and not move on with your life. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord all the days of my life. Try doing what is right before God and treating people with love and respect and you might get better results. If I have lied in any way then issue a court claim against me and I will provide enough evidence to prove that what I state is the truth. I hope you will move on with your life and let people who don’t want anything to do with you do the same thing. I will be making a formal complaint to the police on Monday morning for your breach of Court Order.

      • Participant
        Ola on #37209

        A SHAMED charity worker who fathered a child with a teenage Romanian girl could face child sex charges after returning to Stockport with his new wife and baby.

        Last week the Stockport Express exclusively revealed how 50-year-old grandfather Bob Sutton had returned to Stockport with his 16-year-old bride Andreia Belenisi and their baby son vowing to “clear his name.”

        This week, charity bosses confirmed they are poised to make an allegation to police of underage sex against Mr Sutton. A formal complaint could trigger a police investigation and a lengthy prison sentence if convicted. Mr Sutton’s son, David, was born in January, just two weeks after Andreia’s 16th birthday.

        Although the couple legally married last month in a Romanian church, Mr Sutton could face prosecution for having sex with an underage girl under laws designed to deter so-called ‘sex tourists.’

        In Romania the age of consent is 16 for married couples, but 18 outside marriage. Under British law a man can be charged with a child sex crime committed abroad if the offence is illegal in Britain and in the foreign country.

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