General entry requirements

      • Keymaster
        Click Romania on #60360

        General entry requirements
        We operate a devolved admissions system and all admissions decisions are made within academic Schools. Admissions staff for individual courses reserve the right to judge the relevance and acceptability of any qualification or subject.

        Our admissions staff assess each application holistically and judge whether the content and demand of the qualifications presented will have sufficiently prepared you to progress on to the course you’re applying for. Entry requirements vary from one course to another and compulsory subject requirements may apply. Please refer to the specific entry requirements for your chosen course.

        General requirements for undergraduate courses
        Students studying the Romanian Diploma de Bacalaureat will normally be made an offer of at least 8 out of 10 overall, usually with scores specified for specific subjects for entry to the first year of our undergraduate degree programmes. Please refer to the information below as guidance for grade comparisons to A-level entry requirements:

        A*AA – AAA: minimum overall score of 9 out of 10 in the Romanian Diploma de Bacalaureat;
        AAB-ABB: minimum overall score of 8/8.5 out of 10 in the Romanian Diploma de Bacalaureat.
        The offer will vary depending on the subject for which you apply.

        General requirements for postgraduate/research courses
        Students who have completed a Diplomă de Inginer, Diplomă de Licenţă, or Diplomă de Urbanist Diplomat (Town Planner) will usually be considered for entry to master’s courses. A score of at least 8 overall would normally be required.

        Students who have completed a Certificat/Diplomă de Medic Specialist, Diplomă de Master, Diplomă de Studii Academice Postuniversitare, or Diplomă de Studii Aprofundate will usually be considered for entry to doctoral programmes. A score of at least 9 would normally be required.

        English language requirements
        All applicants to the University (from the UK and overseas) are required to show evidence of English language proficiency.

        For further information about our English language admissions policy, including a list of the most common English language qualifications we accept, please visit our English language requirements page.

        Some Schools ask that the appropriate score has been met before you apply for a course, while other departments give conditional offers subject to applicants achieving our general entry requirement level of English Language proficiency before starting the course.

        Other entry requirements
        Please note that this is generic information only. Faculties and academic Schools have different entry requirements and some qualifications may not be acceptable for certain courses, so it is important to check with the School directly before you apply.

        Some courses have additional entry requirements such as previous work experience, submission of written work with the application or previous study of a particular subject.

      • Keymaster
        Click Romania on #60362

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