Dear Potential Participant,
My name is William Andrews, and I am a BSc (Hons) Building Surveying student at the University of Wolverhampton. As a part of my programme I am carrying out a study into Government Policy in the Construction Industry since the Latham Report and looking at future recommendations. I would like to invite you to participate in the above research project.
Completion of the attached questionnaire will take approximately 6-8 minutes, and all questions can be answered by following the simple instructions and HOWEVER, ONLY THE QUESTIONS MARKED WITH AN * ARE MANDATORY AND IF TIME IS SHORT I WOULD AT LEAST APPRECIATE THESE ANSWERED WHICH WILL ONLY TAKE A COUPLE OF MINUTES. Completion of the questionnaire is completely voluntary. All responses are anonymous, there are no correct or incorrect answers and respondents who take part will not be identifiable. If results of this study are published they will be a summary of all responses to ensure that your privacy is protected. Returning this questionnaire will be considered as your consent to participate in the survey.
Survey Link