In ultimii 10 ani politicienii din Marea Britanie care predica impotriva strainilor au devenit cei mai populari incat rasismul si xenofobia a devenit normal din nou.

Degradarea sistematica a tolerantei si respectului fata de strainiii care locuiesc in UK a fost organizata ca o campanie militara de catre politicieni si ziarele de dreapta care exploteaza frica instinctiva a englezilor in special, fata de straini.

Xenofobia impotriva romanilor si polonezilor care sunt europenii cei mai afectati de catre remarcile casuale ale politicienilor s-a infiltrat si in randul populatiei britanice.

”Now, some people have said to me since – why did you take on Romanians in the first place? I must admit we did think hard about it because we have heard other horror stories from landlords but we know you can’t tar everyone with the same brush. So, as they checked out, and the letting agent said she would stake her reputation on the fact they would be fine, we went with it.”

”The raised voices in the kitchen then led to three more women – who also said they couldn’t answer me – entering the kitchen. All were of Roma appearance. They were followed by a scantily-clad woman who was probably in her late 20s who said she could speak English and would answer my questions.”

Afirmatile de mai sus au fost facute de o ziarista de la un ziar local din Anglia cand a descoperit ca propietatea ei a fost transformata intr-un bordel romanesc si frica ei initiala fata de romani a fost confirmata/vindicated chiar daca a incercat sa nu fie rasista.

Poti simpatiza un pic cu furia ei impotriva romanilor insa asta nu schimba cu nimic faptul ca normalizeaza xenofobia si rasismul impotriva romanilor.

Cand si cei care lucreaza in presa britanica isi permit sa denigreze romanii doar pentru ca ea a avut o experinta neplacuta, integrarea sociala a romanilor din Marea Britanie devine o aventura ostila cu efecte serioase pe termen lung daca Uniunea Europeana nu reuseste sa asigure drepturile europenilor din UK.

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