Monty Python and The Holy Grail reprezinta cea mai buna analogie pentru ce se intampla in ultima perioada pe scena politica britanica si europeana. Pana si cei care regreta Brexit prefera sa continue,alternativa fiind sa se faca de ras recunoscand ca promisiunile lor au fost false.
Marea Britanie a fost fortata sa accepte regulile impuse de Uniunea Europeana doar pentru iluzia ca Brexit este o formalitate. Intre timp Uniunea Europeana a anuntat ca a semnat un tratat de comert liber cu Japonia. UE deja a semnat altul cu Canada.
Industria auto si investitiile Japoniei in UK vor fi afectate in mod serios.Probabil si in Europa daca costul de a transporta masini si piese japoneze in Europa este mai rentabil decat sa le construiesti in Europa. Marea Britanie s-a transformat din poarta pentru investitii destinate Europei,intr-o adevarata fundatura.
Sunderland, Burnaston si Swindon, orase care traiesc din fabricile de masini japoneze si europene au votat pentru Brexit. E greu sa iti para rau daca lumea ramane fara locuri de munca.
UE si Japonia devin cea mai mare zona de comert liber din lume. Poate Marea Britanie ar trebui sa faca schimb de insule cu Japonia. Faptul ca anuntul a fost facut in aceasi zi cu declaratia ca UE si UK au ajuns la o intelegere ,nu pare a fi intamplator, mai ales ca intra in vigoare doar in anul 2019, anul in care Marea Britanie nu mai are drept de veto sau influenta. Cred ca e UE spunand Marii Britanii : ciuciu, ciuciu ..
Europenii si japonezii au insistat cu afirmarea ca tratatul economic este si o declaratie ideologica pentru a balansa atitudinea protectionista proiectata de Statele Unite ,de cand Donald Trump a decis sa refoloseasca un slogan utilizat de nationalisti : America First ! E foarte similar cu Britain First.
Una dintre cele doua puteri ,USA si UK, trebuie sa se afle pe locul doi pentru ca cealalta sa se afle pe primul loc.
Japonia si Uniunea Europeana sfideaza Statele Unite prin declaratia comuna si oficiala :
“demonstrează voința politică puternică a Japoniei și a UE să continue să păstreze comerțului liber “, a declarat prim-ministrul japonez Shinzo Abe și președintele executivului Uniunii Europene, Jean-Claude Juncker, într-o declarație comună.
European Commission – Statement
Joint Statement by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe
Brussels, 8 December 2017
Following the agreement reached today between the chief negotiators and endorsed by European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström and Mr. Taro Kono, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, we welcome the finalisation of the negotiations of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union and Japan.
The finalisation of the negotiations on the EU-Japan EPA demonstrates the powerful political will of Japan and the EU to continue to keep the flag of free trade waving high, and sends a strong message to the world. Beyond its considerable economic value, this Agreement is also of strategic importance. It sends a clear signal to the world that the EU and Japan are committed to keeping the world economy working on the basis of free, open and fair markets with clear and transparent rules fully respecting and enhancing our values, fighting the temptation of protectionism.
The EU-Japan EPA is one of the largest and most comprehensive economic agreements that either the EU or Japan have concluded so far. This EPA will create a huge economic zone with 600 million people and approximately 30 percent of the world GDP, and it will open up tremendous trade and investment opportunities and will contribute to strengthening our economies and societies. It will also strengthen economic cooperation between Japan and the EU and reinforce our competitiveness as mature yet innovative economies.
We are confident that, once in place, this Agreement will deliver sustainable and inclusive economic growth and spur job creation, while at the same time confirming our commitment to the highest level of labour, safety, environmental and consumer protection standards and fully safeguarding public services.
The EPA reinforces the EU and Japan’s actions on sustainable development and climate change, notably via a strong and unambiguous commitment to working together to implement the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.
With the finalisation of the negotiations, the path is now clear to complete the internal procedures leading to the signature, ratification and full implementation of the Agreement.