Dumitru Constantin, un roman care lucreaza ca builder in Londra, este ultima victima a unei scheme ”phishing” pe internet care provine din Asia si Russia.
Phishing este o metoda prin care hackerii conving victimele sa descarce file ascunse sub forma de documente,pe calculatoare si laptopuri. Documentele contin un program care se instaleaza automat, si care inregistreaza parole si detali bancare de fiecare data cand victima le foloseste pentru a intra pe contul lor bancar online.
Un email care la prima vedere pare a fii de la un potential client, builderul este pacalit in a crede ca pentru a vedea planurile de constructie, va trebui sa descarce un dosar de pe internet.
Informatile sunt trimise pe ascuns hackerilor, care in scurt timp golesc conturile bancare a victimelor, folosind o retea complicata de tranzactii financiare.
Bancile britanice de obicei sunt reticente sa ofere banii inapoi pentru ca este responsabilitatea victimei de a folosi parole si detalii bancare in siguranta.
Hackerii au gasit o noua tinta, companii de constructii romanesti din Anglia. Profitand de lipsa de cunostinte in securitate, limba engleza si cateodata de lacomie, muncitori romani si companii romanesti , sunt furati de bani cu voia lor.
Totul incepe cu un email , prin care un client isi exprima dorinta de a semna un contract pentru renovarea sau construirea la o casa, email , care de obicei este scris intr-o engleza plina de greseli.
Redam ca exemplu un email :
My name is Tang.I have being searching for a good building firm I can rely on to handle a project of new home/commercial building am planning to build, after several series of search on the Internet I found your company competent and reliable enough going by the type of information I read on your website. I hope to get a quick response from your company so that we can start the whole process as soon as possible.
Dupa acea urmeaza un email cu un link catre un download pentru planuri si documente technice , care de fapt, este un program care fura parole bancare.
Va prezentam mai jos un exemplu de ”phishing” :
I have a old building at Manchester London.The roof is so bad now bird come in the living room and the underground works,like the wire cables.with the bathroom and Toilet finally the kitchen all need to work .The house is been abandon for 3years now after the dead of my late wife.
i will like your company to handle the roofing as i was directed by a friend.
Kindly please i will send you the structural design for the old house as i have my Eng. working on the new design. It’s save in a drop box and pdf.For you to give me total quoatation for job to be done.I hope will start these project as soon as possible.
Have a great week ahead.
Many thanks
Foarte des, genul asta de emails sunt scrise intr-o engleza plina de greseli gramaticale,fapt care ar trebui sa atraga atentia celor care le primesc.
My husband, and I are inviting quotes from building contractors and other building professionals to work on our new home. We have viewed your business website and would very much like you to consider our project. We are seeking to start construction work soon. If this project would be of interest to you please can you contact me by email so I can send you the project plan.
Kind Regards
Good day
I own a property and I am currently in the process of renovating the entire building and will require joinery work, roofing, windows, bathroom and kitchen upgrades. I would like to know if you are available to quote. Kindly get back to me so I can forward my concept project plan.
My name is Patrick, my wife, and I are inviting quotes from building contractors and other building professionals to work on our new home we are planning to build in UK. We have viewed your business website and We love your portfolio and wondering how you work, whether you may have some availability in your schedule and what kind of budgets are required. We would very much like you to consider our project. We are seeking to start construction work soon. If this project would be of interest to you please can you contact me by email so I can send you the project plan.
Kind Regards
We are currently looking for a builder to build a new home.
What do you require to provide an estimate of the structure cost? I have a preliminary floor plan for the house and I’m at the verge of finalizing my loan grant with the bank
If I were to send through the floor plan would it be possible to get a rough cost to build in reasonably standard specification?
Farouk Hassan
Marklew Housing Pty Ltd
618 Nepean Highway Carrum Vic 3197
Tel: 8773 1090
Fax: 9772 7096
Mob: 0434 654 091
email: faroukhassan.contractor.net@outlook.com
Am primit si eu un mail care e un pic suspect, cand am incercat sa sun la nr de telefon, era inchis??
My name is James Barbars. Live in Kent London,Work off sure. I am inviting quotes from building contractors and other building professionals to work my new home project.
I have gone through your company website and love your portfolio and wondering if you are available to take on new projects and what kind of budgets are required.
I am seeking to start construction work in 5 weeks. If this project would be of interest to you please can you contact me by email so I can send you the project plan.
Here is my number you can reach me via text why am at work .+44704207087
Kind Regards
Mailuri de genul asta primim si noi , de exemplu ;
We are looking at doing quite an extensive building job on one of our properties that we just purchased and hoping that you might be interested in assisting us with our plans and estimating for the work.
What building services do you offer?
I realize this is a busy time of year for you, but grateful if you could let me know when you might be available to have a discussion about what we would like to achieve. Please let me know and i will send over my plans. Awaiting your kind reply.
Kind regards,
David Taylor