The Romanian migration to the UK since 2007 – when Romania joined the EU, has increased considerably in the past few years. From December 2013, the Romanians and Bulgarians will gain the right to live and work in the UK, after the 7 years period of temporary curbs imposed on the two Eastern European countries will expire.

In the United Kingdom, this sparked a fierce debate about immigration from the two EU countries, fuelled by a sick economy in the UK. The right wing political parties and media were quick to cash in, to such extent that anyone who is not against migrants from Bulgaria and Romania is declared a traitor and should be executed live on TV as an example.

Romania – the country where the Mexicans of Europe live?

Romania does not have a well-defined country profile, except for Transylvania, and blends in very easily with other Balkans or Eastern European countries.

For some people, Budapest is the capital of Romania and Sofia is a girl’s name.

Romania does not sit well when it comes to criminality. Vasile Tcaciuc – the butcher from Iasi, still tops the European lists.

Vasile Tcaciuc was a Romanian serial killer who lured victims and then murdered them with an axe that he specially constructed. He killed between 21 and 26 people from 1930 to 1935; the primary motive was robbery.

In the 1930s, the serial killer managed to murder over 26 people using an axe before being arrested. He was shot dead when he tried to escape from prison.

Jo Cox a fost un politician britanic anti-Brexit care a fost membru al Parlamentului (MP) pentru Batley și Spen din mai 2015 până la uciderea sa în iunie 2016. A fost membră a Partidului Laburist.
La 16 iunie 2016, Cox se îndrepta spre o întâlnire cu alegătorii la o operație de rutină în Birstall, West Yorkshire, când Thomas Mair a împușcat-o de două ori în cap și o dată în piept cu un pistol modificat . 22 modificat cu o pușcă de vânătoare, apoi a înjunghiat-o de cincisprezece ori în fața unei biblioteci de pe Market Street.

Britain has Dennis Nilsen who managed to kill 15 people before being caught. Perhaps the rumours that the British people are laid back started because of him, or it could be the advance in the Police techniques to catch the criminals in the 1980s that put a stop to a very enthusiastic serial killer’s career. Harold Shipman who killed over 300 people was a Jewish doctor according to the Wikipedia.

There seems to be a ping pong game between Romania and the UK when it comes to exporting and importing of criminality.

Romania provides the UK with very skilled people in begging, cash machine thieves, pickpocket etc. This in itself should be qualified under the’ we only need skilled migrants scheme’ if it wasn’t for the minor fact that their skills are illegal.

Polițiștii din cadrul Poliției Metropolitane din Barnet, Londra, colaborează cu partenerii pentru a combate sclavia modernă, în special cu comunitățile românești, pentru a crește gradul de conștientizare în vederea identificării semnelor și pentru a încerca să câștige încrederea potențialelor victime care sunt exploatate de traficanți. Polițiștii din Barnet colaborează cu comunitățile românești pentru a combate sclavia modernă Poliția Metropolitană din Londra colaborează cu comunitatea românească care trăiește în Londra cu scopul de a îmbunătăți încrederea diasporei românești în Poliție. Românii au acces liber în Marea Britanie de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Sosirea imigranților români a dus la o explozie a criminalității în Regatul Unit și în Londra.
Polițiștii din cadrul Poliției Metropolitane din Barnet, Londra, colaborează cu partenerii pentru a combate sclavia modernă, în special cu comunitățile românești

Romania also exports well-trained and educated horses to the UK, they are so good that the Brits consume them, developing further the art of equestrianism of a burger and lasagne.

UK exports to Romania are mainly paedophiles, randomly a killer or two, dodgy deals and influence and scrap vessels sold for a premium.

If you are British or Western European and on the run from the authorities, forget Spain, Romania is the best place to start a new life of crime.

Romanians are very friendly people, they love foreigners, but you should refrain yourself from asking if you can take pictures of children in the bathroom.

Under the communism, any contact with foreigners was strictly forbidden, and this led to an inbuilt curiosity to get to know people from other countries. Unless you are a Gipsy. Or Black and dark skinned, Hungarian, Russian, Jew, Moldavian etc, they will love you.

How many Romanians will come to the UK ?

Hard to predict. Poland is not a good example. Romania has a population of over 2 million gypsies, and they got fed up with being second class citizens in Romania.

They are also nomads or travellers, it’s in their genes to move around. If I were a gypsy, I would take my horse to the UK, at least in Great Britain, I can be discriminated against and live in better conditions (hopefully).

But I wouldn’t allow any British person to pet my horse, there is a rumour going around that they get eaten. After dark, children with forks and spoons are running around looking for a horse to eat.

On a serious note, the Bulgarian PM recently said that only 600 Bulgarians are claiming benefits in the UK, and I believe this figure to be spot on more or less.

Most migrants from Eastern Europe are under the age of 40 yo and less likely to use the NHS or claim Social Benefits.

They also have a tendency to compare the UK to a labour camp, only a very small minority will settle in the UK. I think those who wanted to enrol to a labour camp already did so.

The criminal segment of the Romanian population does not need a working permit in the UK. The Romanians could enter the UK without a visa since 2007.

What drives the Romanians to immigrate ?

Before the fall of Communism everybody had a job, a concrete flat (everything was built from concrete) and now everyone is confused.

You have the old generation of Romanians, the old middle class, who are ruined morally and financially. They are against having children away from them, but this will not stop young people from migrating. Moral values on an empty stomach takes a second place.

În 2022, Bulgaria și România au anunțat împreună că vor începe studii de fezabilitate simultane în cinci locații pentru potențiala construcție de noi poduri peste Dunăre. Este vorba despre locațiile din Silistra- Călărași, Oryahovo-Bechet, Nikopol-Turnu Măgurele, Ruse-Giurgiu și Svishtov-Zimnicea.
România și Bulgaria vor să construiască un nou pod peste Dunăre, la Giurgiu-Ruse. Proiectul a fost deja depus la Uniunea Europeană, care va da un răspuns cu privire la finanțare la începutul anului viitor.

In Romania there is no solid middle class, the Educational system has collapsed, the new generation is called chavs. Having a conversation with them is easier if you can SMS – text message attitude.

They all want to be footballers, models, film stars and celebrities.  London is a good place to start, even if it means leaving Romania and getting a job in plumbing or cleaning.

Does the UK need chavs from Romania when they can’t deal with their own ?  I don’t think the British people should be punished twice. Yes, it is true,

Eastern Europeans still work harder than Western Europeans, but it is a matter of time before they score an equaliser.

Is immigration and freedom of labour good for Britain ?

For those who are disturbed every morning by the bloke with his van, it’s not good. For those who employ a builder, a nanny or a doctor, it is. Having a competitive labour market and freedom of movement is a bitter pill for the natives to swallow, but it helps the country’s economy and not the individual.

Who is going to work in Europe in 50 years time ? Cheap labour from Eastern Europe will soon run out of steam.

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