Comunitatea romaneasca din Marea Britanie se afla intr-o permanenta crestere. Desi efectele negative sunt resimtite de catre romanii de aici mai mult decat de cei de acasa, acestia prefera sa isi aduca sotia/prietena in UK, constientizand ca o revenire pe meleaguri natale nu ar fi solutia pentru ei. Visul britanic nu s-a spulberat , vis confirmat de romanii ce isi indreapta pasii din Romania sau alte tari spre Regatul Unit. Tendinta romanilor de a se reloca in UK nu este insa unul din motivele principale ale comunitatii romanesti in crestere. Se poate spune ca natalitatea in comunitatea romaneasca a crescut…
Author: Danuta Pawlowska
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Since the end of 2015, relations between the European Union and the Polish government have been fraught with tensions concerning Warsaw’s breach of the rule of law and fundamental European values. To bring some clarity to the issue, Biqdata provides the background. Since December 2015 Brussels has been signalling its anxiety and addressing questions and warnings to Warsaw. The issues under dispute are primarily the rule of law, but also logging in the Białowieża Forest, relocation of refugees, smog and a number of minor issues. At the last sitting before the summer break, the Sejm (Polish Parliament) is to deal…