Hackerii au gasit o noua tinta, companii de constructii romanesti din Anglia. Profitand de lipsa de cunostinte in securitate, limba engleza si cateodata de lacomie, muncitori romani si companii romanesti , sunt furati de bani cu voia lor.
Totul incepe cu un email , prin care un client isi exprima dorinta de a semna un contract pentru renovarea sau construirea la o casa, email , care de obicei este scris intr-o engleza plina de greseli.
Redam ca exemplu un email :
My name is Tang.I have being searching for a good building firm I can rely on to handle a project of new home/commercial building am planning to build, after several series of search on the Internet I found your company competent and reliable enough going by the type of information I read on your website. I hope to get a quick response from your company so that we can start the whole process as soon as possible.
Dupa acea urmeaza un email cu un link catre un download pentru planuri si documente technice , care de fapt, este un program care fura parole bancare.