Primul -re-tweet este de la Jayda Fransen, liderul adjunct al organizatii Britan First care arata un migrant musulman care atacă un bărbat in cârje, in Olanda.

A urmat alte două videoclipuri ale unor persoane despre care Fransen susține că sunt musulmani.

Partidul Britain First a fost înființat în 2011 de foști membri ai Partidului Național Britanic de extremă dreapta (BNP).

Grupul a atras atenția pe social media cu postari controversate despre ceea ce ei consideră “Islamizarea Regatului Unit”.

Ei au avut candidati la alegerile europene și la alegerile parlamentare pe o platforma anti-imigrație și anti-avort, dar nu au castigat niciun loc. La cele mai recente alegeri pentru primarii din Londra, au obținând 1.2% din voturi.

1 Comment

  1. Blighty, London on

    This man is an utter liability. He believes Russia rather than his own defence chief even though us Brits have evidence that the Russians have been interfering all over Europe. Now he has put the British PM in an intolerable position. The US is our greatest ally and yet he is now forcing her to sign up to his agenda. Many, many MP’s and probably half the population at least will be outraged by these tweets. If she continues with the presidential invite she will be considered to endorse what he has tweeted which is highly inflammatory. If she condemns him and revokes the invite then relations with the US will enter the deep freeze and that is not good for us post Brexit. He has made it so the PM is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. That’s what we have to thank Donald Trump for.