Nationalismul englez are trei picioare pe care se sprijina : culoarea pielii, religia si monarhismul. Printul Harry a decis sa se casatoreasca cu o actrita mulatra,divortata si nascuta in Canada, Meghan Markle.

Rasistii o sa scuipe pene de furie, deja acuza Casa Regala britanica de tradare, in special de cand englezii au votat pentru Brexit.
Cel mai popular comentariu din ziarul nationalist este: I still can’t believe he’s marrying her. I am shocked. Eu sunt socata ca ziarul Daily Mail nu l-a sters. Dar cine stie in afara de ei care este cel mai popular comment,decat ei. Daca l-au lasat pe acesta, deja te poti gandi la ce e mai rau.
Daily Express nu dezamageste : An utter sham – a union of parasites – When the Queen goes, that will be the end of the monarchy, and Harry has hastened its demise – Disgusting! – Please God give me peace and make this nightmare go away!!
My idea of Britain, sovereignty, patriotism and the royals has gone from 100% to zero. Daily Mail reader.
In presa britanica se regasesc si foarte multe comentarii pozitive,cum ar fi acesta din The Guardian:
So Meghan has arrived, she looks stunning and Harry looks almost boyishly nervous, so all I can say is best of luck to them both and I wish them a very happy marriage and a wonderful life together.