Boris Johnson este un politician britanic de origine turca care ameninta populatia britanica sa voteze pentru Brexit pentru ca impedice ca turcii au sa fie acceptati in Uniunea Europeana , pentru a impedica toata populatia din Turcia au sa se mute in Marea Britanie. Tot el este acelasi individ cu autobuzul rosu care PROMITEA 350 de milioane de lire pentru NHS – saptamanal.

Acum exista o petitie pentru ca el sa fie conciediat dupa ce a facut o noua greseala diplomatica, care poate rezulta ca o cetateana britanica sa primeasca o pedeapsa dubla de inchisoare.

Boris Johnson has hit the headlines again for yet another gaffe.

Only this time in his muddle he said that British-Iranian mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe had been in Iran to train journalists last year when she was imprisoned at Evin Prison. Her family and workplace say this is wrong, that she is not a journalist, but was visiting family on holiday.

Because of Boris’ mistake, Nazanin’s time in prison could be doubled by Iranian officials. She is there for allegedly plotting to topple the government in Tehran, although official charges were never made public. Nazanin suffers depression from being separated from her husband and three year old daughter. I’ve heard first-hand of the physical and psychological torture as one of my own family members served a term there. It Iran’s main holding place for political prisoners.

Our government should be working day and night to help gain her release.

As a British citizen, I want to make sure we have a Foreign Secretary that supports us. Instead we have someone who is unfit for the job. Because he lobs grenades at sensitive situations. He lacks attention to detail. And in doing so, is a threat to British people and damaging overseas relations. That’s why I’m calling for Boris to step down from his role as Foreign Secretary.

This is not the only mistake Boris has made. Just last month he made jokes about clearing away dead bodies in Libya to turn Sirte into the next Dubai. And in the past, he ran a magazine which accused Liverpool fans of ‘wallowing in it’ after the Hillsborough disaster.

Please sign and share this petition.

Boris must apologise, Boris must repair the damage he has done to Nazanin and her case but most importantly Boris must go.

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