Plamena Ivanova care lucra pentru  Blu Global , o agentie de munca specializata pentru soferii de camioane si TIR-uri din Estul Europei care vor sa lucreze in Marea Britanie a trimis un email la un englez prin care il anunta ca nu poate lucra pentru ei deoarece este britanic.

Michael Fowler în vârstă de 39 de ani care are 12 ani experiență in domeniu a răspuns la un anunț care specifica ca job-ul implica ca cei care aplica sa vorbeasca limba engleză.

Plamena Ivanova din Bulgaria care reprezenta agenția de recrutare Blu Global a trimis un e-mail spunând că britanicii sunt “excluși”.

Agentia a declarat ca a concediat-o pe Plamena Ivanova :

Blu Global’s policy is to not discriminate against any potential candidate that uses our services to find employment, and we refute any allegations that we, as a business, discriminate in any way against our UK based applicants. We are fully committed to welcoming all candidates that have the required skills and experiences and will only base any candidate rejections on these criteria alone. No candidate is denied a chance of employment based on their nationality, age, race, gender or sexual orientation. We want to ensure that there is no ambiguity regarding any future candidate rejections; we wish to make it totally clear that if someone is not accepted for a position it will be because they do not have the desired skills or experience, the relevant qualifications or that they may live too far away from the location of work, as some clients have stipulations on how far their workers travel to the work depot: this is particularly relevant to HGV drivers.

We can confirm that we continuously place candidates of European and British nationality within all of our past and present clients as we advertise for, and recruit, candidates both in the UK and across mainland Europe.

Any deviation from this policy, by any member of staff or any independent person/organisation acting under or using the Blu Global brand, is not supported in any way by the company and will be fully investigated. The independent freelance consultant has had her contract for service terminated with us immediately after the events.

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