Cei doi romani, Alexandru Alexandrescu si Silviu Chirila, au sa calatoreasca cu bicicleta pentru aventura si pentru a strange bani pentru agentia de carite FARA, Fundatie Britanica care actioneaza in Romania.

Programul lor aproximativ este acesta :

· Bruges: 1 Mai

· Rotterdam: 3 Mai

· Dusseldorf: 6 Mai

· Koln/Bonn: 7 Mai

· Frankfurt: 10 Mai

· Nuremberg/Stuttgart (In functie de ruta aleasa): 13 Mai

· Viena: 20 Mai

· Bratislava: 21 Mai

· Budapesta: 24 Mai

· Timisoara: 28 Mai

· Craiova: 02 Iunie

· Bucuresti: 04 Iunie

Calatoria lor poate fii urmarita pe pagina lor de Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/LondonToBucharestCycle/

Toti banii donati vor merge la Fundatia FARA. http://www.faracharity.org/

Pagina unde se pot dona banii se afla aici : http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com

Who doesn’t like a good challenge? Or travelling? Maybe an adventure? Even better when it helps a deserving cause.

But how often do we follow-up on our ambitions?

This is something we’ve been working on. Moreover, as public sentiment regarding open borders and free movement is changing, we feel compelled to embark on our adventure sooner rather than later.

SO NO MORE EXCUSES! To break away from complacency and to challenge ourselves, we decided to explore Europe on a cycling trip. And we need your help!

But first, why cycling, you ask? Well,

Trains are nice (and don’t get me wrong, I like trains as much as anyone, you won’t find anyone who likes trains more than I do. Trains are the best. I know the best trains. Huge trains. Bigly) but the routes are heavily restricted. We want the freedom to move around, unconstrained.
Why not cars? Because.. where’s the challenge? This journey is as much about exploring Europe as it is about exploring ourselves. 35 days on the road with nothing but a tent, sleeping bags and a GoPro will push our limits, educate our minds and develop our characters.

At this point we ask for your support.

To make this experience meaningful for others, and not just ourselves, we have teamed up with FARA Charity with the aim of raising at least £2000 to support their efforts in providing education and social support to some of Romania’s most vulnerable and neglected children. The trip is entirely self-funded, and ALL proceeds go directly to FARA!

We strongly believe that education is a prerequisite to unity and agreement in our communities, countries and continents, fostering cultures in which differences are celebrated and opinions debated, rather than despised and discriminated. The common ground we all share is a mutual acceptance of truth, and ensuring education for the youth is key to building and consolidating the fabric of truth.

Since we’re not getting any younger, and couldn’t find a legitimate reason to postpone, we decided to do it in May-June. We will go in with an open mind, talk to as many people as we can, hear their stories, take pictures and write about our experience. We are also open to YOUR suggestions about what to do, or where to explore.

We can’t change the world all at once, but we CAN start by changing the lives of a few.

If you agree with our mission and/or just want to support us, you can do two things:

DONATE to our cause! Any contribution is a massive help!
SHARE with your friends!

Any increase in exposure is critical! But all contributions are invaluable!

We’ve also got a Facebook page set up for this event, where we will post updates and photos from our trip: https://www.facebook.com/LondonToBucharestCycle. Please like and share our page.

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